Become the owner of a 3 stars hotel room, in which you can stay absolutely FREE for up to 4 weeks in a year, choosing the period per your convenience, with all the included hotel services, and the rest of the time you will earn a permanent profit – up to 16% per annum on the invested amount, in Euro, with monthly payment.
Become the owner of a 3 stars hotel room, which can be anytime sold, used as mortgage or exchanged, and which will bring you a permanent monthly profit equal or even higher than a bank deposit - up to 16% per annum on the invested amount, in Euro, with monthly payment.
Become the owner of a 3 stars hotel room, in a 3 stars hotel managed by professionals, which do guarantee you a monthly profit on a higher level than the profit obtained in a self-renting case - up to 16% per annum on the invested amount, in Euro, depending of which Income programyou will select, with monthly payment.
Become the owner of a 3 stars hotel room, in which you can stay absolutely FREE for 2-3 days each month, but no more than 28 days per year, choosing the period per your convenience, with all the included hotel services, and the rest of the time you will earn a permanent profit - up to 16% per annum on the invested amount, în Euro, with monthly payment.
Condo hotels - one of the latest trends in the real estate market.
We invite you to become the owner of one of the 368 hotel rooms, in the COSMOS Hotel.
COSMOS Hotel - stylish decorated hotel rooms on the "turnkey" with a 3 stars hotel service level, located in the heart of the capital of Moldova - Chisinau city.
With years of experience of the building owner and hotel operator company, you will not have to work with tenants, or service the technical equipment rooms directly - you simply receive a permanent income up to 16% yearly in Euro, with monthly payment.
Money invested in real estate, always come back and generate revenue.
But buying one or more rooms in the hotel COSMOS, you become not only the investor and the owner of the real-estate property, you become the co-owner of the hotel business.
All costs, including the costs of redecorating your property, non-capital reparations – are paid by the company, the building owner and the operator of the hotel.
The purchase of one or more hotel rooms can be done at once or in installments up to November 01st 2018. Our sales offer works for both legal entities and individuals.
What is the COSMOS hotel Location To whom is addressed
- Safe investment in real estate property, with the possibility, at any time, to sell it, exchange it or use it as pledge
- Guaranteed income - up to 16% per annum from the value of purchased room, in Euro
- Official registration in the State Cadaster of the full ownership of the purchased property
- Free usage of the purchased room by the owner up to 28 days a year (including accommodation and housekeeping)
- No cost after purchase - all costs of maintenance, repair, etc. incurs the Management Company
- Permanent discount for hotel rooms owners - up to 20% on all services provided by the hotel
- The buyer pays once and for life, owns a real estate and receives monthly income in Euros
- Moldovans working abroad and coming home on leave, who need housing for up to 28 days per year, and want to earn income from the property for the rest of the time
- People dissapointed in the banks and which are not confident in the security of their deposits and do not want to keep their funds unused – Investors which expect incomes comparable with the banking deposit interest, but with a full grade of investment security
- Real estate investors, which do not want to deal with the daily generated problems on self-renting, but want to own property and to receive a permanent guaranteed monthly income
- The businessmen from abroad or from the regions, visiting Chișinău for a period of 2-3 days every month but not more than 28 days a year, wishing to have their own property, which will generate income in the rest of the time
- Businessmen and investors for additional income
If you have any questions?
We present, at your choice, three different income programs,
which will fully meet your expectations.